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Too much sugar in the diet - too much sweetening in the fare

01-02-2017 à 13:00:47
Too much sugar in the diet
At the time, many of the key observations cited to argue that dietary fat caused heart disease actually support the sugar theory as well. The fructose component of sugar and H. Joslin could not know at the time that the fructose content of sugar affects how we metabolize it. A. By Shawn Forrey 57 Comments Share Some people get sick when they eat certain kinds of sugar. Suggesting that sugar might kill us is what zealots do. S. In 1970, Keys published the results of a landmark study in nutrition known as the Seven Countries Study. What if our ancestors ate 2 pounds of meat a day, but instead we eat 300 pounds of meat a day. But the human body is NOT capable of handling the amount of sugar in the modern diet (see below). If Lustig is right, it would mean that sugar is also the likely dietary cause of several other chronic ailments widely considered to be diseases of Western lifestyles — heart disease, hypertension and many common cancers among them. So it was possible that Yudkin was right, and Keys was wrong, or that they could both be right. And if you take that sugar in liquid form — soda or fruit juices — the fructose and glucose will hit the liver more quickly than if you consume them, say, in an apple (or several apples, to get what researchers would call the equivalent dose of sugar). If what happens in laboratory rodents also happens in humans, and if we are eating enough sugar to make it happen, then we are in trouble. What has changed since then, other than Americans getting fatter and more diabetic. But sugar consumption in the seven countries studied was almost equally predictive. For those who have heart attacks, metabolic syndrome will very likely be the reason. D. When you try to cut back on sugar, the first few days can be horrible. But Lustig, who has genuine expertise, has accumulated and synthesized a mass of evidence, which he finds compelling enough to convict sugar. A. It might also be the underlying defect in many cancers. S. But people used to use cocaine in soft drinks, and probably would have thought it ridiculous to cut back on cocaine. Sugar intolerance can take many forms, from type 2 diabetes to hypoglycemia to bowel problems. Our ancestors evolved eating a diet of plants, nuts, seeds and meat. By the early 2000s, according to the U. It is littered with erroneous statements and conclusions because even the supposed authorities had no true understanding of what they were talking about. If Lustig is right, then our excessive consumption of sugar is the primary reason that the numbers of obese and diabetic Americans have skyrocketed in the past 30 years. Consuming sugar (fructose and glucose) means more work for the liver than if you consumed the same number of calories of starch (glucose). By the early 2000s, when sugar consumption peaked, one in every three Americans was obese, and 14 million were diabetic. Those organizations that now advise us to cut down on our sugar consumption — the Department of Agriculture, for instance, in its recent Dietary Guidelines for Americans, or the American Heart Association in guidelines released in September 2009 (of which Lustig was a co-author) — do so for this reason. NYTimes. cities between 1900 and 1920 alone. D. Having metabolic syndrome is another way of saying that the cells in your body are actively ignoring the action of the hormone insulin — a condition known technically as being insulin-resistant. It was first marketed in the late 1970s and was created to be indistinguishable from refined sugar when used in soft drinks. Some people get sick when they eat too much of ANY kind of sugar. How to tell if you have a sensitivity to sugar. There are enzymes and chemical reactions that happen during digestion that allow your body to absorb the nutrients and sugars in food. The way sugar works in the body is complicated. When I first figured out I had some sugar intolerance, I tried the Adkins diet, and felt much better. Although lean individuals, too, can have metabolic syndrome, and they are at greater risk of heart disease and diabetes than lean individuals without it. You must select a newsletter to subscribe to. How much do we have to consume before this happens. During the Korean War, pathologists doing autopsies on American soldiers killed in battle noticed that many had significant plaques in their arteries, even those who were still teenagers, while the Koreans killed in battle did not. The fructose, which is almost twice as sweet as glucose, is what distinguishes sugar from other carbohydrate-rich foods like bread or potatoes that break down upon digestion to glucose alone. estimates are typically considered to be the most reliable. Sugar is highly addictive, and acts like a drug in your system. Its results were perceived by the medical community and the wider public as compelling evidence that saturated-fat consumption is the best dietary predictor of heart disease. D. This is 200 calories per day of sugar, which is less than the amount in a can and a half of Coca-Cola or two cups of apple juice. As this sugar moves through the large intestine, bacteria and yeast feed on it and create a gas buildup. Solving the IBS Puzzle Putting the pieces together for a better life.

, we had increased our consumption to more than 90 pounds per person per year. This apparently induces a condition known as insulin resistance, which is now considered the fundamental problem in obesity, and the underlying defect in heart disease and in the type of diabetes, type 2, that is common to obese and overweight individuals. It is more difficult to tell if you have a general sugar intolerance. If you eat more sugar than your body can break down and absorb, some of the sugar will stay in your bowels. This correlation between sugar consumption and diabetes is what defense attorneys call circumstantial evidence. A. In the early 1960s, the Japanese were eating as little sugar as Americans were a century earlier, maybe less, which means that the Japanese experience could have been used to support the idea that sugar causes diabetes. is metabolized primarily by the liver, while the glucose from sugar and starches is metabolized by every cell in the body. IBS symptoms, a sugar intolerance can show up as diarrhea, cramping, abdominal pain and gas. Because each of these sugars ends up as glucose and fructose in our guts, our bodies react the same way to both, and the physiological effects are identical. Still, with Joslin arguing in edition after edition of his seminal textbook that sugar played no role in diabetes, it eventually took on the aura of undisputed truth. Did you know that sugar is highly addictive. It is that sugar has unique characteristics, specifically in the way the human body metabolizes the fructose in it, that may make it singularly harmful, at least if consumed in sufficient quantities. F. S. In 1924, Haven Emerson, director of the institute of public health at Columbia University, reported that diabetes deaths in New York City had increased as much as 15-fold since the Civil War years, and that deaths increased as much as fourfold in some U. The more fructose in a substance, the sweeter it will be. Human beings were never meant to eat SUGAR BY THE BAG. The Sugar Association and the Corn Refiners Association have also portrayed the 1986 F. But the Americans were also eating high-sugar diets, while the Koreans, like the Japanese, were not. Since then, it has been viewed well over 800,000 times, gaining new viewers at a rate of about 50,000 per month, fairly remarkable numbers for a 90-minute discussion of the nuances of fructose biochemistry and human physiology. Sugar Intolerance: Too Much of a Delicious Thing. Rather the context of the science changed: physicians and medical authorities came to accept the idea that a condition known as metabolic syndrome is a major, if not the major, risk factor for heart disease and diabetes. This coincided, he noted, with an equally significant increase in sugar consumption — almost doubling from 1890 to the early 1920s — with the birth and subsequent growth of the candy and soft-drink industries. com no longer supports Internet Explorer 9 or earlier. High-fructose corn syrup, as it is most commonly consumed, is 55 percent fructose, and the remaining 45 percent is nearly all glucose. After all cocaine just makes you feel good and gives you a boost of energy. A common assumption at the time was that if one hypothesis was right, then the other was most likely wrong. Lustig is a specialist on pediatric hormone disorders and the leading expert in childhood obesity at the University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine, which is one of the best medical schools in the country. The last time an agency of the federal government looked into the question of sugar and health in any detail was in 2005, in a report by the Institute of Medicine, a branch of the National Academies. Did you know that they used to lock sugar up. S. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention now estimate that some 75 million Americans have metabolic syndrome. Putting together a low sugar, low carb or sugar intolerance diet. report as clearing sugar of nutritional crimes, but what it concluded was actually something else entirely. He found that the sugar invariably raised blood levels of triglycerides (a technical term for fat), which was then, as now, considered a risk factor for heart disease. They got a small amount of sugar from fruit when it was available. The first symptom doctors are told to look for in diagnosing metabolic syndrome is an expanding waistline. He published his first paper on childhood obesity a dozen years ago, and he has been treating patients and doing research on the disorder ever since. But 40 pounds per year happened to be 35 pounds less than what Department of Agriculture analysts said we were consuming at the time — 75 pounds per person per year — and the U. And I also have a disclaimer to acknowledge. The question is always at what dose does a substance go from being harmless to harmful. The history of the debate over the health effects of sugar has gone on far longer than you might imagine. C. Joslin was also unaware that the Japanese ate little sugar. This gas can cause cramping, spasms and pain. The number of viewers Lustig has attracted suggests that people are paying attention to his argument. One of the best ways to find out about ANY food intolerance is with a food elimination diet. The speed with which the liver has to do its work will also affect how it metabolizes the fructose and glucose. This brings us to the salient question: Can sugar possibly be as bad as Lustig says it is. The evidence has always been able to go either way. The atherosclerotic plaques in the Americans were attributed to the fact that they ate high-fat diets and the Koreans ate low-fat. The calories are the same, but the metabolic consequences are quite different.

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